Facial Massage & Skincare Training


Facial Massage & Skincare Training @ Simple Beauty Salon & Academy

This course is completed in 1 Day (10am – 4pm).

Facial skincare treatments are effective at improving both the appearance and condition of the skin, to alleviate a number of common skincare concerns. These treatments are popular all-year round and best offered as a course of treatments, making them a lucrative service to offer. You will gain the skills to cleanse, tone, perform a skin analysis, apply mask and moisturiser to your client’s skin. You will also learn a facial massage to add a relaxing element to your skincare treatments. You will learn:

Health & safety related to facial skincare treatments
Anatomy & physiology of the skin
Consultation for facial treatments
Contra-indications to facial treatments
Procedure for providing a facial skincare treatment
Adapting treatments to meet a range of client skin types / conditions
Homecare / aftercare advice for facial treatments

This Course is Suitable for Complete Beginners to Skincare / Beauty. No prior knowledge or qualifications required.

As part of this pre-course learning and tuition on the training day, you will learn the following: Health, safety & hygiene
Consultation techniques
Skin analysis
Facial skincare treatment routine to include use of cleanser, toner, exfoliator, mask & moisturiser
Facial massage routine
Aftercare advice

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